A Film: Introduction to Payne Hollow
Screen our recently created 10 minute film on Payne Hollow history, the Hubbard legacy and what Payne Hollow on the Ohio is doing.
From the folks at Kertis Creative.
Strategic Plan
View our recently created strategic plan that showcases our vision, mission and values and our plans for the next three years.
Created with the help of Ed Cortas at the Center for Nonprofit Excellence with funding from the James Graham Brown Foundation.
Natural and Cultural Landscape Inventory Report
An elaborate report on the environmental, historical and geological aspects of Payne Hollow and Hollowpayno focusing on the natural and manmade culturally important elements on the properties. A highly focused treatise with incredible information on the history of the landscape and how to best maintain and preserve it.
Created by Michael Gaige, Historical Ecologist from Know Your Land, with funding from the Snowy Owl Foundation.